Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Fresh Exhibition

I will be dropping my work of at the Beetroot Gallery in Derby tomorrow in time for the new Design Factory associate exhibition.

This exhibition shows new and emerging designer maker talent. I will be showing my interior and fashion accessory collection along with other associate designer makers in what is set to be a very exciting exhibition.

If your in the area make sure you go and check it out, and if not its still worth a visit. Draycot in Derbyshire and the area around it is beautiful.

I will be exhibiting some new pieces, which shows the inspiration behind the wall flowers as well as one of my very large pieces, all made by hand using a variety of different techniques including fabric manipulation, laser cutting and hand stitching.

The large piece named Morrocan Wall is directly influenced by my trip to Morocco and looks at pattern on pattern, it’s an amalgamation of natural organic forms layered with manmade geometric shapes. The main inspiration came from a trip to Morocco where I looked at schools and mosques in the old city. One school in particular had an area covered with beautiful and colourful geometric mosaics but had been left and plants had started to grow over the wall. This is my interpretation of this wall.

The pieces used the geometric structured forms and juxtaposed these next to the organic floral patterns. The work I have created, echo’s the on going battle between the organic, uncontrolled, wildness of nature compared to the measured rigidness of manmade geometric patterns which represents that no matter how beautiful the man made pattern is, nature and will always take back the space. 


Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

Morrocan Wall - errrrm I LOVE IT!

Lorna Syson said...

Thanks will! I think its going up on the feature wall in the gallery, will post photos from the opening!